Weighing in on Fat

7th Annual Lafayette Health Series:

What makes us obese and what we can do about it

September 27, 7-9 pm David Lam Auditorium, UVIC

Wondering if and what diets really work? Wondering how it is that human beings are said to be on average 3 times heavier than they were in the 60’s? We have at our disposal tons of information on dieting and exercise and yet most nations claim that obesity is at a crisis level. Join us at this year’s forum to hear the latest science which will help us to better understand the biology involved to effectively maintain a healthy body weight.

The following Panelists will speak followed by an extended Q and A period:

  1. Priya Manjoo, MD FRCPC, Endocrinologist who will speak on the biology and metabolic activity of the fat cell
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  3. Mary Kay Nixon, MD FRCPC Child and Youth Psychiatrist who will address current thoughts on why we eat/overeat
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  5. Hanh Huynh, PHD Scientist and medical educator will speak on the biology of prevention – “DIABESITY PREVENTION: IT IS IN OUR HANDS AND WE CAN DO IT!”
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  7. Allen Hayashi, MD FRCS(C), General and Pediatric Surgeon; Head Division of General Surgery is the panel facilitator and will make some comments on bariatric surgery
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  9. Darlene Hammell, MD CCFP Assistant Dean Student Affairs, Island Medical Program, University of Victoria, Closing Commentary
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