9th Annual Lafayette Health Awareness Forum


9th Annual Lafayette Health Awareness Forum presents
Building Happier, Healthier Lives
Guest Speaker Dr. John Helliwell
Thursday, October 2nd, 2014  7:00 PM
David Lam Auditorium, University of Victoria

All seats are now reserved for Thursday’s forum and we must close the registrations. We are sorry not to be able to accommodate your request.

We have set up a live streaming option. This will be available on the School of Music’s Live Streaming page: http://finearts.uvic.ca/music/events/live/




What builds happier lives? How are happiness and health connected?

Hear DR. JOHN F. HELLIWELL co-editor, “World Happiness Report” speak on happiness and its place and influence in our lives.



For more information on Dr. John Helliwell http://faculty.arts.ubc.ca/jhelliwell/