13th Annual Lafayette Health Awareness Forum

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A Primer on Painhow pain affects us and what we can do about it

Join the Lafayette String Quartet as this year’s health forum travels into the realm of pain. What is the purpose of pain?  Does everyone feel pain the same way? What are the factors that influence pain? What are some of the positive ways we can treat pain? Three presenters will share their expertise and help us to better understand the world of pain and its management.


Dr. Patrick McGowan
– Professor, School of Public Health and Social Policy, University of Victoria
– Associate Director Ladner, Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health, University of Victoria



Dr. Launette Rieb
– University of British Columbia  Addiction Medicine.

Dr. Nelson Svorkdal
– Pain Clinic and Management. VIHA Pain Program. Royal Jubilee Hospital


Thursday, October 4th, 2018  7:00 PM
David Lam Auditorium, University of Victoria