Welcome to the LSQ’s Web Home
Dear Friends,
As we head into a warm summer we invite you to enjoy musical offerings still flowing here at the University of Victoria!
The Lafayette String Quartet no longer performs together, but you can still enjoy their music making! They have just released their latest CD “Four Voices” for distribution and are proudly offering it through Centrediscs, Canada’s preeminent new music promoter and distributor. You can click here to order your copy of this ground-breaking CD featuring stunning new quartets composed for and performed by the LSQ. Featuring renowned composers: Canadians Abigail Richardson-Schulte, Kelly-Marie Murphy and Vivian Fung and from the UK- Nicola LeFanu, this CD is a testament to the powerful and diverse creativity of female artists.
Join the members of the LSQ from June 24-July 5 for Quartet Fest West 2024, Beloved long-time colleague, Sharon Stanis is returning to Victoria to teach and coach. During masterclass sessions you will be able to hear Sharon, Ann, Joanna and Pam coaching the brilliant crop of students attending QFW this year! The brilliant Jasper String Quartet will be giving open masterclasses as well. Their performance will take place on June 30th at 7:00 PM in the Phillip T. Young Recital Hall. Tickets will be available soon on Eventbrite.
We are delighted to be partnering again with St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church for a mid-festival participants concert in their beautiful sanctuary in downtown Victoria. This will take place on June 28th at 2:00 PM.
As always, fesitval pass holders are welcome to masterclasses and workshops as well as the concerts and other fun events being offered.
We acknowledge and respect the lək̓ʷəŋən peoples on whose traditional territory the university stands and the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.
We acknowledge the devastation that government-created residential schools and Indian hospitals has inflicted on the health and wellbeing of Indigenous peoples and the ongoing effects of concentric trauma that continue to this day.
Since 1986, the members of the Lafayette String Quartet have been entertaining audiences all over North America and Europe and teaching some of Canada’s finest young string players. Their residency at the University of Victoria is rich in local performances and community involvement. Their concerts in Canada and abroad are hailed as “Passionate, riveting, and with flawless ensemble.”
Professors Ann Elliott-Goldschmid, Joanna Hood and Pamela Highbaugh Aloni continue to teach, coach and mentor fine young string players from all over the world at UVic’s School of Music.
FUTURE STUDENTS: If you are a high school student, a third or fourth year bachelors student or a member of a pre-formed quartet interested in studying at UVIC or attending Quartet Fest West in the future, please contact Ann Elliott-Goldschmid